As I've said I'm in the Army. Currently attached to the 643rd Engineering company. A fine little unit. It's full of construction type soldiers: plumbers, electricians, and carpenters. I love being in the Army. Although the lifestyle is arduous and frustrating sometimes, I know this is where I'm supposed to be. I know it's incredibly popular to speak out against our countries efforts "over there". I'm not afraid to say that although the original justifications we had at first are now proven false I know that everything that has occurred since then have only improved the outlook for the future in that region for a better life for those there.
As surprising as it may be I am a NPR listener. Hawai'i's full of liberals hence NPR's success. One of the stories though was surprisingly optimistic about the U.S.'s efforts in Iraq. We're teaching the pour souls who were once tricked into believing the extremist ideal how to READ! That's right the sunni shi'ite militants that were once our biggest problem in Iraq are now the largest benefitters: AN EDUCATION! NPR said that 65% of Iraq population are illiterate, most of them male. These men between the age of 20 and 35 are actually gaining life necessities that they would not have possibly been given under the prior dictatorship...and now because these men will have their own capability of understanding and questioning/challenging the radical clerics who pray on the ignorant and illitirate, the future will be less frightful for the next generation. Specifically theirs. Just another proof to me as to why the work going on there is NOT in vain. I will emphasisyze that I know the reasons we went in were wrong BUT to leave hastily WILL be detrimental to all that our soldiers, the Iraqis, and the U.S. has sacrificed in the name of doing what is right.
I love the military and I love that it's provided every citizen the chance to critize whomever, whenever. But in that same breath the media doesn't use that right responsibly anymore. I know from personal accounts from those who actually go over there and see with their own eyes, instead of listening to the money grubbing media machine, that more good things than bad are happening there. God bless America and God bless every person who risks their lives "over there". I'm sure we all hope it ends as soon as possible.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Job
Posted by pogi at 6:42 PM
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No offense duder, but as a student of Journalism I think your blanket statement about "the media" is flawed for a few reasons. First, "the media" doesn't actually exist in the strictest sense. People often use the term as though it refers to some giant entity that provides news. However, this is becoming increasingly problematic, given the multiplicity of sources out there. From regular network news, to local print newspapers, to cable outlets, satellite talk shows, and independent blogs, etc. "the media" as a catch-all no longer works.
Additionally, there actually are various opinions among all these sources regarding the war in Iraq, foreign policy, etc.
Third, there is really no such thing as objectivity in the sense we commonly use the term.
Geez Blair I didn't know I would be held to the standard such as a student of anything since you know I haven't completed more than two semesters of college. But I can see how you care so much about the classification of what the media is. I could give a flippin' flip. CNN, Hollywood, network television, Radio, all the way down to a PVT Abbott in the Army wanting to voice his opinions on a blog are all still held to the responsibility of trying to make things better for the guy who comes next by giving them a sense of hope, specifically the rising generation.
Yes other outlets do support the war and what not but a minority all the same. That's what I was attempting to convey.
Hi Corey, I see you wrote on my wifes page, im glad you did i was excited to see yours and bethany's pages. Love you kids, they are super cute. My email address is email me, soon!!! Oh Blair, will you ever let your defenses down and let peace and traquility into your life? haha
Awesome new picture, dude. I'm jealous!
As far as the war and offering hope, my hope is that we can get out of Iraq as soon as is reasonably possible. Pulling out the troops prematurely is a recipe for disaster, of course, but I cannot justify a permanent or semi-permanent occupation of Iraq. There are simply too many problems covering the entire globe right now. As for hope, I agree. Giving hope is crucial. This is one reason I am supporting Barack Obama!
ps- HI LEE
Yo Core! Waddup broseph??
I thought I'd comment on this'n here post cuz I really liked what you said. Of course, Blair got a little overly technical (as happens with the Hodge) but I fully understand what you are getting at.
I 100% respect what you are doing, man. Growing up a military child made me fully respect the hard work that is put into keeping our nation running and fighting for our's and other's freedoms, even if the methods are occasionaly flawed or misjudged. Still, good job buddy, keep it up!
Hey, the dude's misrepresenting my career field, man. "The Media" doesn't exist in that way. Just looking for accuracy regarding my job, just like Corey was looking for accuracy from various media outlets regarding his.
Thanks for the comments! I've heard from others who have returned from Iraq the positive things that happening there. It's a much different story than you hear from most media sources. Thanks for what you're doing. [And congratulations on your promotion and hard work!]
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