My beautiful wife, Bethany, has been playing on this stuff for a while now and the work she does only compels me to feel that need to participate....It looks like fun anyway!
My name is Corey Jesse Abbott. My first name is my father's middle name, my middle name belongs to my grandfather: Arthur Jesse Abbott.
This is my family crest. The latin tanslates to "A friend of God and my fellow man." I think. If anyone knows what the deal is with the pears, that would be awesome.
Born in Ogden, UT lived in Layton for the rest of it until Oct. 2005. Served a mission in the philippines. Kaya meron akong salita ng tagalog sa blogg ko. Joined the military some time ago and it has brought me to some very illustrious places like Biloxi Mississippi (sarcasm) just after hurricane Katrina destroyed EVERYTHING. Great chance to help clean up though. Altus "po-dunk" Oklahoma (again sarcasm). Middle of nowehere but the nicest americans, make that people, down there. Any Sooner can come up to you and pick up conversation with you as if you're long lost freinds. Better even sometimes. Took a lot of getting used to. I miss it though because the Army has brought me to hawaii! (not sarcasm, it really is awesome here.) I can't give it justice just yet though since my family and I just got here and are still settling in.
I'm 26 I have a beautiful wife who is the foundation of everything that I am...everything! And continues to stay with me no matter how much she learns about me. Makes me feel like the luckiest guy. I also have one gorgeous daughter and one incredible son. My cup runneth over.
I'm goin to make this a blogg mostly about my upcoming deployment to Iraq. My dedication to this country and it's military. My gratitude to God for everything I have been given and every oppurtunity I experience.
Congratulations to you and your precious family. My son is on his 3rd deployment and is currently in Afghanistan. Keep God at the forefront and he will hold you at his side. Good Luck
Welcome to the blogosphere, my friendly friend.
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