So I have been away from home for nine months now and look back thinking "it's only been that effing long!" and "Wow how the time limps feebly along when you reside in hell." My belief that hell is more a state of mind in the here after has only be affirmed by my stay in Iraq. If hell was only flames and pitch forks well I already survived and surpassed all those punishments. The people I have had to submit to has really taken my pride down a few dials. And yet I am surprisingly grateful for my deployment to Iraq. Never, even if I lived in the worst living conditions the U.S. might have to offer, would I have been through the hardships and trials that I experienced out here and I can honestly say that I grew through all of it. No matter how hard I tried not to.
So I mentioned excuses last time and I thought I would touch on that a little. Interesting trait that a lot of otherwise hard working honest soldiers tend to pick up in the Army is how to come up with excuses because it's the only way to stay out of trouble because the military especially the Army is all about pointing a finger when something goes wrong. So a soldier has no choice but to explain why there are not enough supplies for a project or missions aren't executed exactly to plan. Well, crap happens but that is far from a good enough excuse. So quick talkers are promoted while the honest or bad liars are considered problems or hinderences to their leaders image. It's disheartening in a way. I mean I still believe in the Army and that it does more good than bad but it is hard to see soldiers, sergeants, officers and civilians take this same tactic and make it habit.Although I see those who are rewarded for lying and making excuses I still stick to the things I was brought up to be. Come hell or high water(wink) I will never lower my character to simply get ahead. Life is long enough to take the dignified path. Maybe I am letting my scruples dictate too much of my career but I guess when it comes to my honor and faith I could give a flip. So here's to you sell outs out there kissing butts and taking names. May you be happy knowing that you achieved it by wrapping your lips around things you normally wouldn't.
SPC. Abbott
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Home Stretch
Posted by pogi at 10:35 PM